In the left column find out your keyboard and connect it to qsynth that lies in the right column. Open qjacktctl and: 4.1 Go to Connect-> ALSA. In Audio tab I select Audio Driver: jack. In MIDI tab, I select Midi Driver: alsa-seq. Note on (status byte 1001nnnn) Note Off (status byte. The last four bits (nnnn) of the status byte define which MIDI channel the message is sent on. There are 7 MIDI channel voice messages and each one is defined by the first four bits of its status byte. As of Live 6, though, there’s a hack provided for everything else, called MIDI Remote Scripts.
I’ve never looked into this specific functionality, and generally you wouldn’t unless you’re a hardware vendor working with Ableton. Ableton Live uses compiled Python scripts to provide custom support for controllers, as I understand it.
Once you are certain all items with 'mid' or 'midi' in them are set to your new plug-in, quit your browser.